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What We Do

Orion Solutions has a 3-tiered structure for contingent fee arrangements. The more we work in partnership with the client, the more dedicated attention the role receives and the lower the cost to the client.


Engagement Fee Search

Orion Solutions will work with the client to establish a target salary and overall fee for the engagement. A portion of the fee is due upon engagement and allows us to fund our efforts in research, social media outreach, etc.


The client receives many of the benefits of a retained search while still providing a low upfront cost. The client only pays the remainder of the fee upon the successful placement of a candidate. Orion Solutions offers this arrangement at an 18% discount from the standard contingent fee.


Exclusive Search

This model is used when clients prefer their fee to be completely contingent, but they work exclusively with Orion Solutions. This version allows us to provide the benefits of the engagement fee search but allows the client to pay no fees until a candidate is hired. Orion Solutions offers this arrangement at a 10% discount from the standard contingent fee.


Standard Search

This is the typical, multi-firm contingent arrangement. The fee is highest in this scenario. Orion Solutions will engage in these arrangements when there is a strong relationship with the client and an ability to work with the hiring manager.

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